Our approach to damp and mould

Our customers deserve homes which are good quality, affordable and safe. We take reports of damp and mould very seriously and over the last 18 months we have made significant improvements in how we respond to reports of damp or mould.

In April 2022 we launched our new Damp, Mould and Condensation policy and supporting procedures, which ensure that all reports of this nature are referred for inspection and diagnosis, and encourage all colleagues and customers to report anything which does not reflect the standards that we and our customers expect.

Our inspection process

As part of our inspection process, we carry out checks to diagnose issues including establishing the presence of any structural defects that may be the underlying cause, and we invest in specialist equipment and training of our employees to further improve our diagnostic capabilities and expertise.

Our data systems have been changed to help us to better track and monitor any damp, mould and condensation issues raised, and this data is being used to analyse building types and heating system trends so we can take preventative action where possible.

Through our capital and repair programmes we invest in our homes, last year investing £81.5 million. All our homes meet the government’s Decent Homes Standards, and we are working to ensure that all of our homes achieve EPC band C or above by 2023, with 82% of our homes currently meeting this target.

Supporting customers

Where work is required, we will support the customer and offer any help and advice needed. Because people are heating their homes less due to the cost-of-living crisis, damp and mould can take hold quicker. We have therefore introduced a number of new initiatives to help customers manage their finances, maximise their income and reduce the pressure of cost-of-living increases, including:

  • Partnering with National Energy Action to provide a specialist telephone energy advice for customers most in need, helping them with energy grants, fuel debt applications, liaising with energy suppliers, and changing tariffs or payment types.
  • Launching a Welfare Benefits Advice Service to support tenants and homeowners who need help to understand and apply for the benefits that they’re eligible for as well as providing coaching about how to become more financially resilient.
  • Creating a Cost-of-living hub on our customer website, providing access to advice and support. 
  • Increasing investment in our mental health support service provided as part of our Better Days programme and commissioned with Mind and Aspire4u Breathing Space.
  • Launching a suite of customer communications explaining how we approach dealing with damp and mould. These can be viewed on our customer hub, and we regularly update our online information with the latest help and advice.