Since 2013, we have invested over £35 million back into our communities through our Community Investment programme, supported our supply partners in their delivery of social value in our communities, and grown the number of social enterprise partnerships within our supply chain.

In addition, our colleagues have raised significant funds for charity and contributed thousands of hours worth of volunteering time painting, decorating, planting and litter-picking their way to supporting our local communities. Our employee match-funding scheme also provides the opportunity for our employees to support charities that have personal meaning.

Thriving Communities Awards

Now in their 8th year, the Thriving Community Awards were born out of, and feature, The Brian Griffiths Award. Established in his memory, Brian was a former Orbit Board member and Chartered Institute of Housing President, who dedicated his life to helping others. The Brian Griffiths Award is presented to an Orbit customer who has overcome significant social barriers and transformed their life.

As the awards have grown, there are now several other categories recognising customers, communities, our supply chain and the public for contributions to their community.