Our plans to build 279 new homes on land at Greenfields Road, Dereham in Norfolk have been approved by Breckland Council.
Our plans to build 279 new homes on land at Greenfields Road, Dereham in Norfolk have been approved by Breckland Council.
Of these 209 are for open market sale and 70 are for affordable rent and shared ownership. There will be a mix of one, two, three, four and five bedroom apartments and homes.
The application was recommended for approval on the basis that the development would make a ‘significant contribution towards the supply of housing, including affordable housing’.
Ian Fieldhouse, Orbit's Regional Director (East) said: “We continue to grow and invest in our property portfolio in the East and are delighted our application for 279 new homes has been granted approval.’’
Orbit will be providing a number of areas of play across the site and a multi-use games area. There will be 1.66 hectares of open space and enhancements to existing rights of way around the site which have now been formalised on an order recently granted.
We will also be making a number of section 106 contributions for offsite highway improvements, education and a further contribution for play in the district.
Work is due to start on site in the new year with completion expected in 2023.