Orbit welcomes new Home Adaptations Coordinator

Leading social housing provider Orbit has welcomed a new Home Adaptations Coordinator to its recently redeveloped Homes Adaptations Service.

Ellen Grant, Home Adaptions Coordinator for Orbit

Ellen Grant, who joins with a wealth of experience from various roles in the Health and Social Care sector, will be responsible for offering extra support to customers with disabilities, chronic conditions or mobility needs who need major adaptations to their homes to remain safe and independent. Ellen will be monitoring the impact of the adaptations on customers’ mobility so that the service can learn more about where it adds most value and will also offer customers wider health and wellbeing support.  This could be a referral to the new Independent Living Health and Wellbeing coaches being recruited in the coming months as well as other support available through Orbit’s Better Days programme.

The Better Days programme, which is open to all Orbit customers, offers free support on a range of issues including managing finances, employment and skills, mental health and general wellbeing.

Ellen said: “I’m thrilled to be joining Orbit as we launch our redeveloped service for customers. Our aim ultimately is to ensure that everyone can live independently and safely in their homes for as long as possible. By offering a more holistic service that not only offers practical adaptations to people’s homes but also health and wellbeing support, we hope that we can achieve just that and demonstrate that Orbit isn’t just a landlord but that we care about customers’ long-term prosperity.”

Orbit’s new Home Adaptations Service launched in August with the aim of offering improved support to customers. The service looks at the long term health and wellbeing of customers in their homes, and engages with the most commons types of issues such as slips, trips and falls, and offers practical measures to help customers live well for longer. These measures may include referrals to specialists, home adaptations, assistive technology, or a move into Independent Living or Supported Housing to better suit their needs.