Orbit funds new youth bus to help tackle anti-social behaviour

Orbit has funded a new mobile youth club as part of a pilot project to help improve opportunities for young people and reduce anti-social behaviour.

Anton Noble, Founder/Programme & Development Manager from GYM and Emily Brunsdon, Orbit’s local Place Area Lead for Nuneaton with the new mobile youth bus

The youth bus provided by Guiding Young Minds (GYM), is equipped with technology including game console, sports equipment, art and craft and music system. As well as offering young people a safe space to socialise, trained youth workers on the bus can offer support and mentoring on any issues that they’re facing.

GYM is a registered charity that specialises in working with young people to help them to navigate personal challenges and make positive life choices.

The pilot will see the bus stationed weekly within an area of Nuneaton in Warwickshire where Orbit has a number of homes, reports of anti-social behaviour are high and there is a perceived lack of existing local facilities.

As part of a new anti-social behaviour strategy launched in September, Orbit pledged to have a greater presence within its communities and increase access to support services in order to prevent and reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour.

Joe Brownless, Chief Customer Officer at Orbit commented: “We’re really excited to be working with GYM and to be bringing specialist youth services right to the doorsteps of customers. The interactions and services being offered on the youth bus could be the first step for young people in building a positive future for themselves. We hope that this initiative not only benefits the young people in the area but also the wider community who can be assured that there is an accessible, safe space where young people can engage in positive activities. Our aim is to work with local partners throughout the pilot on a long term solution for the provision of youth activities in the area so that we can move the bus to another community in need.”

Anton Noble, Founder/Programme & Development Manager from GYM added: “The youth bus is a fantastic way of delivering positive activities right to the areas where young people need them most. It’s so important that young people have access to opportunities to have fun and socialise and this also creates a positive environment where we can work with young people and empower them to take control of their futures, tackle any challenges that they’re facing and strive to achieve their goals.”  

The youth bus pilot service is an addition to the free support Orbit already offers customers via its Better Days programme which offers expert advice and practical information across a wide-range of support services from mental health, financial or debt advice, to employment and digital skills.