Orbit’s approach to safeguarding vulnerable customers has been recognised with a Leaders in Safeguarding Award for a third time.
The Leaders in Safeguarding Award is a registered quality mark awarded to organisations that demonstrate highly effective and robust safeguarding arrangements and a commitment to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe. It is the third time Orbit has attained the award with each accreditation lasting for two years (2020/2022/2024).
Whilst as a landlord, Orbit does not have a statutory duty to safeguard adults and children at risk, it does have a duty to cooperate with local authorities to report any safeguarding issues and work proactively with them and other partners in raising safeguarding alerts promptly.
Following a comprehensive audit which involved interviews with senior managers and colleagues from Orbit and a review of its safeguarding policies, case files and staff vetting arrangements, the Leaders in Safeguarding Scrutiny and Validation Panel concluded that Orbit ‘go above and beyond to ensure their service users and residents remain safe’.
Their report found that there was ‘clear evidence of highly effective liaison with statutory safeguarding partners’ and that ‘staff recognise and record concerns diligently’.
The report also praised Orbit’s ‘clear and transparent culture’ that puts safeguarding and child protection at ‘the forefront of all processes and policy development’. It highlighted the ‘very successful’ work of Orbit’s Safeguarding Team who have worked across the organisation to ensure that colleagues and contractors know how to recognise issues for concern and access the correct support for customers.
In 2023/24, Orbit raised over 4,500 safeguarding concerns.
Trevor Graham, Interim Group Director of Customer and Communities commented: “We’re delighted to retain the Leaders in Safeguarding accreditation for a third time which is testament to the importance we place on keeping customers safe. I’m really proud of the proactive approach that both colleagues and contractors are taking towards recognising and raising safeguarding concerns so that we can work with partners to offer early interventions that ensure customers get the support they need to protect their wellbeing.”
Dr Dan Grant from Leaders in Safeguarding added: “This is a very well-deserved Award which recognises the hard work and commitment of the whole staff team at Orbit.”